Monthly Archives: February 2021

Password Security For a Remote Workforce

A wall of security locks with a larger broken lock. Meant to depict password security and how even one failed security can be a problem

Working remotely and accessing often-sensitive business systems over the internet is a new experience for many businesses and workers. And for many, forced on them far more quickly than was comfortable or could be thoroughly planned. This new reality comes with an expanded threat from cybercriminals. Now given brand new ways to access your sensitive data and a newfound desperation for quick and easy scores.

Digital security starts with the basics and passwords are as basic as it gets.

Working From Home – Before the Tech

Desktop working from home showing a computer, tablet and mobile devices

I have known many people over the years that can work from home effortlessly.  I have also known many that struggled with it extensively.  It can be a challenging task for the best of us in the face of everything else thrown at us by COVID-19.  The following guidance can help you stay focused and effective while working from home.